By MarcWites

Should I Hire A Lawyer For My Insurance Claim?

The right choice could save you a lot of money you need to fix your property!

Most people hire an Insurance Attorney rather than an insurance adjuster because it is much cheaper. But there are many more reasons besides that.

First, Insurance Lawyers are experienced in fighting insurance companies, and they have a track record of winning such cases for their clients.

Second, only lawyers can give legal advice. Insurance companies have armies of lawyers advising them, and you should have a lawyer on your side too. Only a lawyer can provide legal counsel on your rights under your policy, whether the claim is covered, and how best to make your claim to maximize your recovery.

Third, in addition to providing legal advice, which is most important, Insurance lawyers also provide all of the same services as a public adjuster.

Fourth, if an insurance attorney wins your case in court, you do not have to pay us a percentage of your recovery. Florida law requires that your insurance company pay your legal fees and costs if you win a settlement or trial against your insurance company in court.

Wites & Rogers represents people whose insurance companies refuse to pay them the full value of their claim or have denied the claim and refused to pay any money. We help our clients obtain the full value of their claim, so they are fully reimbursed for their losses, and get the coverage they deserve for the premiums they have paid to their insurance companies. We have vast experience with all types of insurance and property damage claims including those arising from flood, fire, wind, mold, sinkholes, pipe leaks, hurricanes, tornadoes, water, accidents, and injuries.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire A Lawyer To Represent Me For My Insurance Claim?

People are generally surprised when we tell them that hiring a lawyer to represent them for an insurance claim usually won’t cost them anything. The reason for this is that insurance companies are legally obligated to pay all attorney’s fees and costs if we win the case or when we settle in court in your favor. In any case, you will not have to pay us any attorney’s fees or costs unless and until we recover money for you. And, if we take on your case and don’t recover any money for you from your insurance company, you will not have to pay us any attorney’s fees or costs.

What are the benefits of Wites & Rogers’ insurance claim lawyers?

There are two main things that separate us from our competition: Experience and Court Room Reputation.

Experience: We have been doing this a long time. We have been battling insurance companies for many years, and some of the lawyers and insurance adjusters that work for us – and can work for you too – used to represent insurance companies. Wites & Rogers only represents property owners; we don’t represent any insurance companies, and we know the tricks the insurance companies will use to try and minimize, or even deny, your claim. Our law firm was founded in 2001; we have done thousands of cases involving insurance companies, we own our office building, and we will be around for a long time. Whether it is a flood, fire, storm, accident or injury, we have the experience to maximize your claim, so you are fully reimbursed for your losses.

Courtroom Reputation: Many lawyers say that they have experience fighting insurance companies. Very few of them, however, have the same courtroom experience as Wites & Rogers. Insurance companies know that we don’t just settle cases. We fight cases in court, and we will take your case before a jury and fight it on appeal when necessary to get you the money you deserve.

Indeed, Marc Wites is a well-known authority on Florida law. He has authored since 1997 the widely popular Florida Litigation Guide and has obtained great success before juries and on appeals. Click here to see a video of Marc arguing an insurance coverage dispute before The Florida Supreme Court, where his opponent was a former Florida Supreme Court Justice and Marc won the case and forced the insurance company to pay all of the money available under its 2 million dollar insurance policy. We will recommend that you settle your case if the insurance company agrees to pay the fair value of your claim. But, if the insurance company won’t fully reimburse you for your losses, or has denied your claim altogether, we will fight them in court to obtain the relief that you and your family deserve.

Are there any hidden fees or costs?

No. You won’t have to pay us any attorney’s fees or costs unless we recover money for you. If we recover money for you, our attorney’s fees and costs are typically paid by the insurance company.

Call us for a free consultation. We will explain in detail how we can fight your insurance company to obtain the money that you deserve.

To Find Out More, Call Us for a Free, No-Obligation Consultation

And We Will Meet You At Your Damaged Property!

Marc Wites is uniquely qualified to handle flood claims because he has substantial Federal Court experience while many insurance lawyers do not. Our consultation is FREE. If we don’t win, you don’t pay us. 

Call 866-277-8631 for a Free Consultation.  If you have a damaged property in Florida your call will be transferred directly to Marc Wites if he is available.

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Marc A. Wites

Marc A. Wites is the founding shareholder of Wites & Rogers. He directs the firm’s litigation practice groups for personal injury and wrongful death cases, class actions, property insurance claims, sexual assault, and investment fraud.

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