By MarcWites

Will My Insurance Company Always Act In My Best Interests?

Insurance company adjusters typically deal with 100 – 150 cases a month. They are sometimes given bonuses for the number of cases they can settle and the amount they are allowed to settle for is going to be in the interest of the insurance company rather than you. Insurance company adjusters know all the tricks of the trade to get you to accept an unfair and low claim amount.

How can I avoid losing out?

From the time that the damage occurs and you need to advise your insurance company of a potential claim, you should think about using your own insurance claims lawyer to protect your financial losses.  If you do not do this then you are on your own against the insurance company’s claims adjusters and their own insurance claims legal representation team.  You may find yourself alone, up against some formidable opponents, and this may adversely impact your claim.

Should I use a public adjuster or an insurance claims lawyer?

Both will work in your best interests so which one you use may depend upon the size and value of your expected claim.  If you are unsure, contact both, have a discussion with them and take their advice.  The upside of using an insurance claims lawyer is that he or she can take your case right through to final valuation and legal proceedings if necessary.  He will also understand the intricacies of your insurance policy wording and will be able to interpret it in your favor as much as possible. So as you can see, there are many reasons why it is worth employing your own insurance claim’s legal representation.

When it comes to property damage of any type, just because you have insurance in place, it does not mean that your insurance company will always act in your best interests.  This may seem very unfair particularly if you have been paying premiums for many years and possibly have never made a claim before. However, insurance companies, like all businesses, are out to maximize their profits and reduce their losses and they do this by denying and minimizing claims.

Florida insurance claim lawyers

If you are dedicated to your cause and seriously want to obtain the most money possible, using the services of an insurance claims lawyer makes a lot of sense. Typically, the insurance company will pay the legal fees of your lawyer.  So, not only will your lawyer help maximize your claim, but in most cases, you will not have to pay your lawyer any legal fees.

Do your research carefully, and take advice from professionals that have your best interest in mind before you start talking to your insurance company in too much detail.  The best advice is to merely advise them of your claim and then let your lawyer take over.

Wites & Rogers has a legal team that specializes in insurance claims and has taken cases as far as the Florida Supreme Court, where we won and forced the insurance company to pay the full amount of its $2 million dollar insurance policy. If you are going to fight your insurance company to get what you are owed, make sure you bring a team of lawyers who will show that you mean business!

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Marc A. Wites

Marc A. Wites is the founding shareholder of Wites & Rogers. He directs the firm’s litigation practice groups for personal injury and wrongful death cases, class actions, property insurance claims, sexual assault, and investment fraud.

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