By MarcWites

Plumbing Leaks And Pipe Damage Insurance Claims Lawyer

Plumbing leaks and pipe burst damage to your home or business is devastating

Plumbing leaks and pipe burst damage can be extensive and costly. In addition to getting rid of the water and drying out or replacing walls and floors and any ruined belongings, you will also have the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged pipes. And depending on where they are located in your home, this can get very expensive. Much of the piping in your home will be hidden in the flooring, or in roof spaces or walls, so repairing the damage can be overwhelming.

If a pipe burst while you were away from your home then the damage will be much worse. Even a slow leak can drip two full bathtubs full of water per hour. If you were gone for a week on vacation or business then over the course of a week 336 bathtubs full of water can leak throughout your home or business.

In addition to the initial problems that were caused by the leak, moisture will cause your carpets and wooden floors to start rotting. The damp conditions will quickly start to grow mold which can cause a significant health risk to you and your family.

If the damage forces you to move out of your home then you will have the added cost of renting temporary accommodations and maybe even replacing belongings that cannot be salvaged. Costs will soon add up and add to your level of stress.

Some of the worst damage from pipe bursts and plumbing leaks is often invisible and, if you do not employ your own team of lawyers, investigators and construction professionals, may not be detected until long after you settle with your insurance company. Thus, you should immediately notify your insurance company of the claim, and take all necessary steps to clean up and remediate your property to prevent deterioration of the structure and your personal belongings.

Is your insurance company acting in your best interests?

Carefully consider your insurance company’s offer. Insurance companies will almost always try to settle for less than you deserve and they do not always contemplate the hidden effects of plumbing leaks or pipe damage in your home when they consider your compensation package. If you feel the offer is well below what your property and possessions are worth, or if your insurance company is denying your plumbing leak or pipe damage claim altogether, then you should call Wites & Rogers. We will investigate your case, and consult with our team of insurance experts, to determine the full value of your claim. We will fight for you in court, to obtain the money that you deserve from the insurance company to which you have dutifully paid your insurance premiums.

Why choose Wites & Rogers for your Plumbing Leak or Pipe Damage claim?

Wites & Rogers has never, and will never, represent insurance companies. We only represent property owners. Our lawyers have been fighting insurance companies for years. In fact, some of our lawyers previously represented insurance companies. So, we know how they evaluate claims, and what they will do to try to minimize or deny your claim. We will fight your insurance company, for as long as it takes, to obtain the compensation you deserve to fully reimburse your losses.

Your consultation with Wites & Rogers is free. If you hire us, you won’t have to pay us any attorney’s fees or costs in advance. If we win money for you and your family in court, the law requires that your insurance company pay your attorney’s fees and costs.

Contact us today for a free no-obligation quote. Call Wites & Rogers at 1-866-277-8631 or via email at

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Marc A. Wites

Marc A. Wites is the founding shareholder of Wites & Rogers. He directs the firm’s litigation practice groups for personal injury and wrongful death cases, class actions, property insurance claims, sexual assault, and investment fraud.

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